function get_selected(elm) { if ((elm.type == "select-one") || (elm.type == "select-multiple")) { value = " "; for (var i = 0; i < elm.options.length; i++) { if (elm.options[i].selected) value += elm.options[i].value; } } else { value = null; } return value; } function format_dollars(inAmount) { var isNeg = ""; if (inAmount < 0) { isNeg = "-"; inAmount = 0 - inAmount; } var num = inAmount.toString().replace(/\$|\,|\s/g,''); if (isNaN(num)) num = "0"; var cents = Math.floor((num*100+0.5)%100); num = Math.floor(num).toString(); if (isNaN(cents)) return ""; if (cents < 10) cents = "0" + cents; return (isNeg + num + '.' + cents); } function calc(f) { var watts_val = f.inc_watts.value; //get_selected(f.watts); var kWh_val = get_selected(f.kWh); var led_val = f.led_watts.value; var quantity = f.quantity.value; var dailyHours = f.hours.value; var inc_bulb_cost = f.inc_bulb_cost.value; var led_bulb_cost = f.led_bulb_cost.value; var led_bulb_life = get_selected(f.led_bulb_life); var current_lamp_hours_val = f.current_lamp_hours.value; var labor_cost = f.labor.value; if (isNaN(watts_val)) watts_val = 0; if (isNaN(kWh_val)) kWh_val = 0; if (isNaN(current_lamp_hours_val)) current_lamp_hours_val = 0; if (isNaN(led_val)) led_val = 0; if (isNaN(quantity)) quantity = 0; if (isNaN(dailyHours)) dailyHours = 0; if (isNaN(inc_bulb_cost)) inc_bulb_cost = 0; if (isNaN(led_bulb_cost)) led_bulb_cost = 0; if (isNaN(labor_cost)) labor_cost = 0; inc_cost = monthly_energy_savings(watts_val, kWh_val, dailyHours) * quantity; led_cost = monthly_energy_savings(led_val, kWh_val, dailyHours) * quantity; savings = inc_cost - led_cost; switch_cost = (led_bulb_cost-inc_bulb_cost)*quantity; payback_period = switch_cost/savings; var LampLife = 1000; var sLampLife = led_bulb_life; LifeAfterPayback = sLampLife/(dailyHours*30) - payback_period; //in months total_energy_savings = LifeAfterPayback * savings; led_incremental_savings = ((led_bulb_life/current_lamp_hours_val)*inc_bulb_cost)-led_bulb_cost; ext_labor_cost = (led_bulb_life/current_lamp_hours_val) * quantity * labor_cost; bulb_replacement_cost = led_incremental_savings * quantity; energy_savings = (watts_val-led_val)*led_bulb_life*kWh_val*quantity/1000; // initialize these to 0 if they are Not A Number (NaN) if (isNaN(total_energy_savings)) total_energy_savings = 0; if (isNaN(energy_savings)) energy_savings = 0; if (isNaN(ext_labor_cost)) ext_labor_cost = 0; if (isNaN(bulb_replacement_cost)) bulb_replacement_cost = 0; long_term_savings = total_energy_savings + ext_labor_cost + bulb_replacement_cost; f.inc_cost.value = "$" + format_dollars(inc_cost); f.led_cost.value = "$" + format_dollars(led_cost); f.savings.value = "$" + format_dollars(savings); f.switch_cost.value = "$" + format_dollars(switch_cost); f.payback_period.value = format_dollars(payback_period); f.total_energy_savings.value = "$" + format_dollars(energy_savings); f.labor_cost.value = "$" + format_dollars(ext_labor_cost); f.long_term_savings.value = "$" + format_dollars(long_term_savings); f.new_lamp_cost.value = "$" + format_dollars(led_bulb_cost); return false; } function monthly_energy_savings(watts, kWh, dailyHours) { return (watts * dailyHours * 30 * kWh)/1000; } function go() { calc(document.calc_form); } function gohome() { window.location('index.htm'); } //-->

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LED Cost Savings Calculator

Energy Efficient LED Lights vs. Incandescent or Halogen

Easy to use, just fill in the left side with the bulb you are currently using and the specs for the LED bulb you want to replace it with.  Your energy cost is listed on your monthly electric bill and can be different than the default (Alberta average) of .08. If you are not sure keep it low and you will still be amazed with the savings.  If you replace your own bulbs put the labour cost at zero.  Click the calculate button and everything you need will fill in on the right side.  Making the switch to LEDs is going to be the best investments you have ever made!  This is a ROI that will always beat the market.

Current Bulb Wattage:  
Current Cost per Bulb: $
Current Bulb Hours:
kWh Cost: $
Number of Bulbs:  
LED Bulb Wattage:  
Cost of LED Bulb: $
Lifespan of LED Bulb:  hours
Hours per Day Usage:  
Cost for Replacement:
Investment Cost
to Switch:
Return On Investment
in Months:
New Bulb
Replacement Cost:
Current Energy
Energy Cost using
LED Bulb:
Savings Based
on Switching:
Energy Savings
Over the Life
of LED Bulb:
Labor Cost

Total Long
Term Savings:

(total energy savings
+ extra labour cost + bulb replacement)

Aqua and Thermal Matrix Technology™

Software Downloads

General LED Information

Energy Calculator


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